In just a few days, I will go from being a Denver Portrait Photographer to a Paris Portrait Photographer! But don't worry...I'm not moving ;)
Setting my vision
About a year ago, a business mentor challenged me to create a dream photography experience. It took me two seconds to figure out what I wanted it to be: a destination portrait session, giving everyday women the ultimate fashion experience. And I wanted to start in Paris. The trouble was, I had no idea how to make it happen. But I kept reminding myself that I didn't need to focus on HOW...I needed to focus on the end result and have lots and lots of faith.
At the end of 2017, I wrote the goal out on my iPhone: I will travel to Paris in 2018. Unbeknownst to me, it would happen sooner than I thought! In January 2018 when my fiancé and I were visiting his family in London, I realized that we could get to Paris by train and FAST! We boarded the Eurostar and I believe we were walking the streets of Paris a little over two hours later!!!
Although we were only there a day and a half, I fell in love with the city! And I knew that I had to return, the next time with a client. I stood between the magical trees at the Jardin du Luxembourg and committed myself to this goal.
Ultimately, my dream sessions will be the same as my typical portrait sessions, but the client's investment will cover travel and accommodations for both of us. I knew that this would be a hard (if not impossible) sell without images to back up the experience, so I realized that I needed a client who was already interested in hiring me, and then I would throw in the experience of a lifetime to go with it: a trip to Paris!
I put it out there on my Instagram and (my now client) Maggie reached out to me privately. She said two words: pick me! And I did.
It wasn't hard, honestly. I needed somebody who already wanted to hire me, who was already interested in my imagery and adored my product offerings...and who was truly enthusiastic about this one of a kind experience! Like with all of my clients, I met Maggie for a portrait consultation. We talked things over and before we knew it, a plan to get to Paris started taking shape!
A big focus from the beginning for me was wardrobe. In fact, I have been building my collection of wardrobe since I began my business. And it all started with the dreamy tulle skirt seen here:
My collection has grown a lot over the last few years and my clients always appreciate it, as they often have no idea what to wear once they decide on having their portrait taken. The thing is, I knew that the bar was being raised since we were going to Paris. So that's exactly where I started: The Bar Suit.
Vogue 1947
The Bar Suit changed the shape of fashion, literally and figuratively.
In 1947, Christian Dior debuted his first fashion collection in Paris. Up until that time in the 1940's, women's fashions were plain and rather boxy, due to war rations. Dior changed all of that. He created what was deemed "The New Look", and it started with an outfit called the Bar Suit. An ivory jacket made of silk and a black pleated skirt made from wool, it appears quite simple at first glance. But what it did was dramatically accentuate a woman's curves. It was the beginning of bringing femininity and elegance back into fashion.
Shortly after setting my goal to get back to Paris...and after confirming Maggie's interest...I contacted an incredibly talented dressmaker who specializes in vintage-inspired outfits. Although many people have never heard of the Bar Suit, most people who work in fashion have heard endless things about it. Charlene (the dressmaker) said that she had always wanted to produce a Dior-inspired Bar Suit and she agreed to do it for me! The first step of her process was careful research. Researching how it was made (it appears very simple at first glance, but it's very complex in its construction), as well as sourcing fabric that was true to the original.
Photograph sent to me by the dressmaker once she found the perfect silk for the Bar Jacket.
Endless fittings
As I waited patiently for Charlene to begin and eventually complete the tedious work on the Bar Suit, I started looking for other garments. Some were super expensive and some were cheap but looked expensive. And some were...well, cheap and looked cheap!!! I tried to be smart when picking wardrobe. It needed to photograph well and it needed to be able to be reused for future clients. And, most importantly, Maggie needed to feel beautiful in everything she was photographed in. Because more than anything, I want my clients to feel more empowered than they have in a long time once they see their final images. It is my "why" reason for running my business. There is nothing like seeing a client in joyful tears at her viewing session, saying that she cannot believe it is really her on the screen!
I found lots of options for clothes, some of which I felt conflicted over. That's when I started putting up polls on my Facebook page, to get other people's opinions. I was FLOORED with the number of people who wanted to contribute (thank you!!!) and truly read every comment and vote. I ordered a few of the outfits that people voted on...some I fell in love with upon arrival...some went immediately back in the box, like this one.
This dress was supposed to be blue. Upon opening, we all agreed that it was gray. As it was also a bit lifeless in shape, It was sent back.
Maggie was a trooper, coming multiple times for fittings...but each and every time I saw her getting more and more excited as Paris drew near!
Take the Swarovski away from the gay
A couple of the outfits that arrived were pretty, but a bit plain. Luckily, my fiancé Martin is from the world of Irish Dance. At any given point, he's within an arm's length of a bag of Swarovski crystals and E6000 glue. I'm just kidding! Mostly.
Earlier this week I decided to try my hand at what I can only call Swarovskiing. Oh my God, it was like it made the outfits come to life!!! And oh my God, it's tons of work.
The Bar Suit
Although it was months ago that I set my intention to photograph a client in Paris, the time truly started to fly once I committed to the vision. And suddenly I looked up and it was already August! With Paris just a few weeks away, I still had no Bar Suit. I didn't want to rush the dressmaker's work...but it was also shipping from overseas and it was not done, yet. Other outfits...too many...had arrived to my office. But not the outfit that I had my heart set on.
So did it arrive in time? Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog and find out ;)